Christ lives in you

Dostoyevsky. The Image of the World and of Man: Icons and Paintings

Versione cartacea

Editore: ITACA
Pagine: 112
Genere: Arte e letteratura
Altri generi: Cristianesimo
ISBN: 9788852603136
Tipologia: Libro
Formato: 19,7x24,5
Anno di edizione:
Note: colour illustrations, winged cover
Acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta del Docente
€ 7,50 € 15,00


Editore: ITACA
Pagine: 112
Genere: Arte e letteratura
Altri generi: Cristianesimo
ISBN: 9788852603136
Tipologia: Libro
Formato: 19,7x24,5
Collana: Cataloghi
Anno di edizione: 2012
Note: colour illustrations, winged cover
“A person is a door, at which Christ knocks: ‘Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me’ (Revelation 3,20).
Thus, people can open this door to God and let Him act in them and through them, or each of them can say, ‘You have done everything incorrectly, and I will act in my own independent way,’ closing the door.
Any person can either receive God’s inheritance or pawn it. God, however, will not leave, for Christ is in every one of us. It cannot be any other way: He either lives in us or dies in us, because we kill Him, and then He dies a horrific and torturous death, for, immortal, He cannot die. Antonio Martinotti depicts Christ who is imprisoned in us… For Christ does not knock at an outer door; he knocks from within.”
Tatiana Kasatkina

Preface by Julián Carrón

“What an immense, boundless gratitude invades your life when someone introduces you into reality, into its mystery, into ‘the other world within this world’! (…) In order to find it out, all you need is to visit the exhibition on Dostoyevsky, taken by the hand of Tatiana Kasatkina, who conceived and designed it for the Meeting of Rimini. You will see why she has become our friend and unexpectedly made the great Russian writer our friend too. Many of us have read Dostoyevsky, but Tatiana leads us to discover him at a depth that we couldn’t see before. It was already there in his writings, but we needed new eyes, a sensitivity that could recognize and capture it.”
By the preface of Julián Carrón
Tat’jana Aleksandrovna Kasatkina è nata a Mosca nel 1963. Specialista di teoria e storia della letteratura, è direttore del Dipartimento di teoria della letteratura e presidente della Commissione per lo studio di Dostoevskij presso l’Accademia delle Scienze russa. È autrice di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche e curatrice di un’importante raccolta di opere di Dostoevskij in 9 volumi (Mosca 2003-2004).